
发布时间:2020.04.03 11:26


邮箱 xyyang@whut.edu.cn




比利时和平圣母学院(FUNDP,那慕尔大学(UNAMUR),鲁汶大学院成员),化学系, (联合培养2005-2007








致力于微纳材料和组装化学的研究,通过分子工程到界面融合的控制,提出了微纳材料高稳定性的本征设计,并进一步通过仿生组装将微纳效应扩展到生物体系,为微纳多功能材料的稳定化及能源、环境、催化和海洋应用提供了重要思路。国际首部分级孔专著1部,国际专著章节6篇,中文教材章节1篇,SCI论文90余篇,包括Chem. Soc. Rev.Energy. Environ. Sci. Adv. Mater.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等国际高影响力期刊,授权中美专利17


所指导本硕博学生主要荣誉包括中国化工学会京博优秀博士论文奖,德国洪堡学者奖学金,国家大学生节能减排竞赛三等奖,湖北省优秀学士学位论文,CCEP都市环保创新大赛优胜奖,美国陶瓷学会和美国钢铁学会等联合协会Chapter of Excellence Award奖,IEEE顶级会议ISWC-Honorable Mentions奖,哈佛医学院Excellence in Innovation奖, Elsevier出版社 ACB-Reviewing 贡献奖,中科院-中国科学技术大学显微大赛奖,中国复合材料学会光威杯科技创新竞赛三等奖,被国际媒体包括麻省理工FRONT PAGE,哈佛大学HARVARD GAZETTE,美国CNN,英国BBCWeb of Science等网站媒体报道10余次。



Book, Co-Chief Editor: Su B-L., Sanchez C., Yang X-Y. Hierarchically Structured Porous Materials: From Nanoscience to Catalysis, Separation, Optics, Energy and Life science in 2012, Wiley-VCH, Germany, ISBN 978-3-527-32788-1, 22chapters, 678 pages.

1. Wu SM., Yang X-Y., Christoph Janiak, Confinement Effects in Zeolites-confined Noble-metals. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 58, 12340-12354.

2.  Chang GG., Ma XC., Zhang YX., Wang LY., Tian G., Liu JW., Wu J., Hu ZY., Yang X-Y. , Chen B., Construction of Hierarchical Metal–Organic Frameworks by Competitive Coordination Strategy for Highly Efficient CO2 Conversion, Adv. Mater., 2019, 1904969.

3. Geng W, Jiang N., Qing GY., Liu XL., Wang L., Busscher H. J., Tian G., Sun TL., Wang LY., Montelongo Y., Janiak C., Zhang G.,Yang X-Y., and Su BL. , Click-Reaction for Reversible Encapsulation of Single Yeast Cells. ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 14459-14467.

4. Wu SM, Liu XL, Lian XL, Tian G, Janiak C, Zhang YX, Lu Y, Yu HZ, Hu J, Wei H, Zhao H, Chang GG, Van Tendeloo G, Wang LY, Yang X-Y. and Su BL, Homojunction of Oxygen and Titanium Vacancies and its Interfacial n-p Effect. Adv. Mater., 2018, 30, 201802173.

5. Yang X-Y. , Chen LH., Li Y., Rooke J. C., Sanchez C., Su BL., Hierarchically Porous Materials: Synthesis Strategies and Structures Design. Chem. Soc. Rev, 2017, 46(2): 481-558.

6. Yang X-Y., Tian G., Jiang N., Su BL.*, Immobilization technology: a sustainable solution for biofuel cell design. Energy Environ. Sci., 2012, 5, 5540-5563.

7. Chen L., Li X., Tian G., Li Y., Rooke J., Zhu G., Qiu S., Yang X-Y., Su BL., Highly stable and reusable multimodal zeolite TS-1 based catalysts with a hierarchically interconnected three level micro-meso-macro pore structure. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50, 11156-11161.

8. Yang X-Y., Li Y., Van Tendeloo G., Xiao S-F., Su B-L., One-Pot Synthesis of Catalytically Stable and Active Nanoreactors: Encapsulation of Size-Controlled Nanoparticles within a Hierarchically Macroporous Core@Ordered Mesoporous Shell System. Adv. Mater., 2009, 21, 1368-1372.

9. Yang X-Y., Li Z-Q., Klein-Hofman A., Tian G., Feng Y-F., Ding Y., Su D-S., Xiao F-S., “Fish-in-Net” Encapsulation of Enzymes in Macroporous Cages as Stable, Reusable, and Active Heterogeneous Biocatalysts. Adv. Mater., 2006, 18, 410-414.

10. Yang X-Y., Vantomme A., Lemaire A., Xiao F-S., Su B-L., A Highly Ordered Mesoporous Alumino silicate, CMI-10, with a Si/Al Ratio of One. Adv. Mater., 2006, 18, 2117-2122.

